Category Archives: spirit


An evocative piece casting esoteric concepts of chakra energy systems onto individual astral planes :: Useful as meditative fuel, primed for visualization and manifestation, or just a downright beautiful piece of psychedelic crypto art

Each plane expresses an energy signature in its texture, pattern, color :: An orb of energy floating in the center provides a spinal connection vertically (is it human, or a world, or both?) :: notice how the astral planes progress upwards—becoming less organic and more structured and geometric ::

Created with a unique process blending meditation, visualization, and generative art—this piece is imbued at several levels with manifestation energy and all-around positive vibes.

4444px ∞ 7777px bonus unlockable content :: hi resolution TIFF file + hi-resolution images of each chakra plane

starting from the bottom name :: color :: location :: signature

  1. root :: red :: base spine :: foundation
  2. sacral :: orange :: below navel :: creative
  3. solar plexus :: yellow :: below chest :: willpower
  4. heart :: green :: center chest :: love
  5. throat :: light blue :: neck :: communication
  6. third eye :: indigo :: between eyebrows :: intuition
  7. crown :: violet :: top of head :: divine connection
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the importance of talking to your baby

the difference in total words heard by babies and its effects on their development is startling. for quite some time we have known there exists a gap in academic levels between children in the 3 main socioeconomic classes (poor, working-class, professional). and many theories have been suggested, too much lead? lack of self-control? high-stress? lack of reading? studies from the recent decades has shown that the answer may be easier than thought: talking.

Another idea, however, is creeping into the policy debate: that the key to early learning is talking — specifically, a child’s exposure to language spoken by parents and caretakers from birth to age 3, the more the better. It turns out, evidence is showing, that the much-ridiculed stream of parent-to-child baby talk — Feel Teddy’s nose! It’s so soft! Cars make noise — look, there’s a yellow one! Baby feels hungry? Now Mommy is opening the refrigerator! — is very, very important.

The studies show that poor babies may only hear about 600 words per hour, while working-class babies might hear 1,200 words/hour, and professional families around 2,100 words/hour. “by age three, a poor child would have heard 30 million fewer words.”

Why such a difference? It may be as simple as the fact that those parents were not aware of the importance of talking to their babies. They may have less access to the latest information, books, and rely more on family and friends for parenting advice.

heard somewhere else something somewhat similar: talk to your kids like they are twice in age, talk to a one yr old like he’s two, a three year old like they’re six, four:eight, etc.

goo goo, ga ga!

dream about our departed friend russell

we had a friend, russell, from high school who toured in the army and had started a family. unfortunately, he ended up taking his own life during a depression or PTSD. a few weeks later, he visited one of my dreams, and these are the notes:

had a dream about/with russell. we were in some house that was having some kind of garage sale with all kinds of items. they also had some items that russell had made, pieces of art, drawings, sculptures, etc. i picked up some items he had made: a small brown kneeling horse with his name etched on the bottom, a curved shape drinking glass (clear with teal/turquoise lines), a small sketchpad, and also a small baby onesie clothing. upon check out amelia said suggested not getting the onesie cuz it was kind of sad. afterward i asked a lady (owner of house maybe) if she knew russell closely, because i wanted to say a few words to her in private. we went into a room and sat down, and i said how i was an old friend from high school, and how russell was such a fun guy, always joking, and was going to be greatly missed. as i was speaking to her, she disappeared and i was speaking alone. but as i finished i put my hand out and felt someone shake it (russell)

then, i was with russell in my car going to some kind of company party. i had 2 cars and needed to drive them both back. so i hesitantly asked russ if he can drive the car2go back for me. he got on the car2go (smart car) but it was like an mini AT-AT (from star wars) with long legs, and he rode on top like a horse. obviously it looked funny. he was horsing around on it, i saw a small pit/puddle and said ‘dont fall in there’ – of course thats what russ exactly did, on purpose, fell in the pit and flipped the car. i said how are you going to get out now? but the car mimics your momvements so he just backed himself climbing backwards and the car followed. later tim (sapling) offered to stick the car2go in his truck bed and take it home.
later dream: was at some party at a house. it was over or we were ready to go. i kept finding everyone’s cell phones, and was walking around returning them. outside on a patio amelia was playing a card game at a round table. as i got closer, it was some kind of trivia game (based on what they were saying) mixed with what looked like coup forré (milles bornes). i said it looks like coup forré when i saw the cards. someone asked what is coup forré and i explained, mentioning its actually called milles borne. they said they knew it but what is coup forré. we said its like the super remedy card in the game and explained a bit. as this was happening, in the back of the backyard was a car that wouldnt start (another smart car) and so they were trying to tow it or something. this car2go also had long AT-AT legs and they had put some kind of boot on the back right leg- looked liek a yellow metal cylinder cage with a ball or spinning tire. and so the car started to slowly move. as it moved towards front i saw that it was gonna hit the patio overhead wooden beam, and sure enough it knocked it, i said watch out! and the wooden beam fell with a loud thud as i woke up.